Magdi Abdel Ghani, a member of the Football Association, said, Gabalaya The Council did not take a formal decision to stop under some clubs, criticizing Murtada Mansour, Zamalek president, after the statements made by him recently.
The Murtada Mansour announced that Magdi Abdelghani advised it not to stop under the new deals, despite a decision by the Football Association to stop under the new players for Zamalek, because of their financial dues. (See details).
He said Abdul Ghani, in televised comments to the channel "En Sport" on Sunday evening: "Yes Regulations allow turning limitation, but the Football Association did not do the decision formally private that these clubs did not think of this, because the clubs did not originally requested in new players during the January transfer window ongoing ".
The Egyptian Football Association announced on Saturday to stop enrollment Zamalek and five Egyptian league clubs, because of late dues players have during the previous period (see details).
He said a member of the FA: "I pick on Murtada Mansour believe what is said to him, it is true that the reach of our relationship in the field of sports to this point about not the subject, I was surprised today at the headquarters of Gabalaya after the committee clubs meeting and launched missiles against me amid journalists threatened FA if enrollment has been stopped. "
He concluded his remarks, saying: "Unfortunately what happened will not pass unnoticed, my big right when Murtaza Mansour Sostrdh, because it offended without reason, is not right that a senior official like him to be quick to anger, and it must address the constraint files Madionat calmly inside closed rooms