The date of the upcoming game against Ahly against El Gouna

The date of the next match for Ahly

Al Ahli match against El Gouna
Ahli vs El Gouna

The next match for Al Ahly will be held between Al Ahly and Al Gouna where the two teams will meet in the framework of the Egyptian league championship on 05-12-2018 at 07.00.
The previous match for Al Ahly was against Petrojet in the Egyptian league championship and ended with a 1-0 draw for Al Ahly
Ahli football team aspires to achieve a positive result in the next game of Ahli to continue progress and victories

Channel channels to match Ahli

Channel  /On Sport / Nile Sport

The date of the game Ahli and El Gouna

Al Ahly will meet El Gouna on Saturday evening at 7 pm Cairo, where the match is scheduled to take place at the Al-Salam Stadium Cairo.
